In this week’s discussion we talked about eight articles, all unusually relevant and interesting, but in the end narrowed our first-place recommendation down to one that you should read if you don’t read anything else:
The Exploitation of 'Freedom' in America
[our copy here]
We also recommend this frightening but real report from a county not too far away - close enough, in fact, that some of us have first-hand knowledge of the people and places involved:
California county on track to be run by militia-aligned group
[our copy here]
None of us can make real progress on solving problems like these if we work in isolation, but just a little effort in a group of like-minded people can make a surprising difference. You could start with us next week in our third-Thursday Deep Read of the Month meeting, in which we will discuss Book banning in Texas: Books are pulled off shelves in record numbers. Will you join us?