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State of Oregon: Voting & Elections - Voting & Elections
Use the Oregon Secretary of State's “My Vote” if you are at least 16 years old, a resident of Oregon, and a citizen of the United States. An Oregon driver's license or state ID card issued by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is required. You may register when you are 16, but you will not receive a ballot until you turn 18.
If you need help in registering to vote, you may go to the County Clerk’s office in the county in which you live. In Tillamook County, go to the Tillamook County Court House, or contact a Precinct Committee Person listed on the Tillamook County Democrats website.
Oregon brings voting to you! Oregon will mail the voting ballot to your voter registration address. You fill it out and either mail it back, or drop it in a ballot box (looks similar to a post office box, but is marked “drop ballots here”. Ballot drop boxes are located thoughout the county.
Follow this link to the Tillamook County Clerk’s office for updated registration dates, ballot information, and ballot drop box sites. https://www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/Clerk/General%20Elections/Elections.htm
Why Vote?
Who do you want to represent you as President? Who do you want to manage our local communities?
Who do you want to make decisions about
•Healthcare • Climate and the Environment • Immigration • Gun violence • Jobs & Wages • Discrimination • Housing • Education • Social Security?
This may be the most important election of our lifetime. Won’t you join us in making these decisions?