Our first choice this morning - the one article you should read this week if you don’t read anything else - is this:
Trump's brazen attempt to overturn the 2020 election: a timeline
[our copy here]
It is astonishing that civic-minded Republicans could defend or minimize a record presented so clearly.
We also chose to echo a recommendation in Robert Hubbell’s August 9th newsletter:
How Democrats Win the Culture War
[our copy here]
Its bottom line is worth repeating: “Democrats might not be comfortable engaging in the culture wars, but they can’t afford not to make a clear contrast between the parties. The Republicans are the immediate threat to our democracy, but the longer-term problem of civic illiteracy remains. If Democrats do not champion American democratic values, Republicans will continue to trample them.”
Our Thursday morning meetings help to solve that problem of civic illiteracy. Will you join us next week?