In this morning’s Short Read of the Week meeting we discussed five articles shown here and at Our first choice, based on our desire to promote unified support for President Biden’s agenda among those who share our values but may not agree with our tactics, was:
Joe Biden is giving left parties the world over a masterclass in how to use power
[our copy here]
And because it is so urgent that we respond effectively to Republican efforts to suppress Democratic votes, we also chose:
Corporations Will Oppose Voting Rights Unless Consumers Act
[our copy here]
Remember that these short Thursday-morning meetings are your best way of influencing (or just understanding) the thinking of your fellow Tillamook County Democrats on civic and political matters. We do them on Zoom partly to save time, partly to cultivate community and conversation, and partly to have fun. So the meeting itself, really, is more important than the articles we talk about or the decisions we make. Please join us next week!