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Letter: Seven Republicans and a Democrat

  • William Kristol, American neoconservative political analyst.

  • Jennifer Horn, communications strategy consultant, the first woman nominated by the Republican Party in the state.

  • Charles Sykes, American conservative political commentator, editor-in-chief of The Bulwark, an American conservative news/opinion website.

  • Tim Miller, former Jeb Bush Communications Director , a Republican campaign operative.

  • Steve Schmidt, communications and public affairs strategist for George W. Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John McCain.

  • Reed Galen, former political strategist for George W. Bush, John McCain.

  • Mike Madrid, former political director for the California State Republican Party, political strategist.

What might I, a Democrat, possibly have in common with those listed above? We all are fervently hoping for Mr. Trump to be a one-term president. I had nearly given up hope that Republicans cared as I did about things like the good old American values of family, honesty, integrity, compassion, environmental issues. I have friends who are Republicans - good people. Why hadn’t I heard anything from them about children in cages, Russian interference in our elections today, exploding the de cit, racial injustice? Now more and more prominent Republicans, of the old Republican party, not the Trump party, are nally stepping up to voice their deep concern about the trajectory of America, domestically and abroad. These folks are as horrified and concerned about the above, plus lack of leadership with handling Covid19, testing, PPEs; 180,000+ Americans dead; the move to eliminate social security and Medicare; millions unemployed; our standing in the world and in the eyes of our allies and so much more. I am thankful they are out there helping to educate their fellow Republicans about the absolute seriousness of where we are as a republic - I do not want to live under autocratic rule. I do not want the People’s House for sale, anymore than our precious national parks and wildlife refuges. I don’t want more and more dividing of our citizenry through fear, but to nd where we can come together. Work for real equality, real respect for one another and recognizing how diversity makes us stronger. I can’t be o the mark too much if all those high powered Republican strategists feel the very same. Two other important points. First, I agree with Joe Biden that we need to get the virus under control to get the country open again. From Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the CDC, now President/CEO of Resolve To Save Lives: “When we all wear masks, we are all safer. Masks are among the cheapest, simplest, most e ective ways for countries to ght this virus and get the economy running again. Masks matter. Except in a few places, mask-wearing is the ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.” Please wear a mask. Help keep one other safe.

Secondly, make a plan to VOTE. Send your ballot in as soon as possible to make sure it gets counted. Look for 24-hour ballot drop boxes in front of the library and the court house. Vote for America.

Diane Colcord

September 7, 2020

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