The committees are responsible for the day to day workings of the party. Attending committee meetings is a great way to get involved in the local party. Below is a list of committees, their responsibilities, and who to contact. Please reach out to any committee that sounds interesting. They would love to hear from you!!!
Budget Committee: The Budget Committee meets as needed to construct and revise the budget. Contact Susan Pierce with questions.
Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee reviews the TCDCC’s Bylaws every two years. The committee also reviews and presents to the membership for adoption or rejection all bylaw amendments. This committee also coordinates the policies and updates as needed. Contact Chair Ruth LaFrance at with questions.
Communications Committee: Responsible for all external communications from the party. Including website, social media, meeting announcements etc. Questions?
Fundraising & Events Committee: Organizes all events and fundraisers. Contact Co-Chairs (1 vacancy) with questions about fundraising Susan Pierce with questions about events.
Executive Committee: Leadership team responsible for handling affairs of the party between monthly meetings. Chair: Tim Borman
Hospitality Committee: Responsible for refreshments, and room setup at monthly meetings. Does not typically meet.
Legislative Committee: Tracks, discusses and lobbies on state legislation. Updates county party on important legislative developments. Contact Mary McGinnis at with questions.
Membership Committee: Charged with recruiting, inspiring and training PCPs. We organize Get Out the Vote canvasses and phone banks. Also seeks to grow party membership and engagement. Contact Chair Kathleen Marvin at with questions.
Nominations Committee: Vets candidates for officer positions. Typically only meets before party elections held at the end of even years. Chair is elected at that time.