Welcome to the Tillamook County Democratic Party

Our democracy thrives when we honor our responsibility to understand, respect, and care for each other. Tillamook County Democrats believe in working together to ensure the common good by defending the democratic process, celebrating diversity, protecting our physical environment, supporting public education, resolving our differences non-violently, and meeting the needs of all for shelter, food, healthcare, safety, and economic security.
Click here for a full list of Tillamook County Democratic Party values.

Postcard writing at the office. Over 700 postcards sent to Florida, with hopes and prayers to flip red seats blue.

Election Schedule button takes you to Tillamook Elections site and you can find position holders, Filed Candidates, and eventually, Results there.

Join us Saturday, March 29 at 10 am for Tillamook County’s version of “Civic Saturdays” with Jim Heffernan hosting. The sermons explore new and better ways to be a citizen.  They are aimed at developing “citizenship muscle.  We will need “muscle” to bring power back to “We the People”, where it belongs. Each sermon functions as a stand-alone sermon.  Don’t worry about missing earlier sessions.

This week’s sermon is “A Thanksgiving Recipe” and is 35 minutes long. It will explore 5 topics; remembering requires forgetting, yearning requires yielding, seeing requires unseeing, believing requires skepticism, and persuading requires being persuadable.     We can talk about the sermon afterwards, or not.

   Zoom link below

Invite link for Saturday 10 AM


Recordings are available for those who are unable to attend the zoom.  Contact me at codger817@gmail.com and I’ll e-mail one to you.  Recordings also available for earlier sessions.

Our office in downtown Tillamook is open again! Contact ElectionsChair@tillcodems.org if you can fill one or more of the open positions shown on the schedule above.

Calendar of TillcoDems Events

Our office is open most weekday 10AM to 2PM

The office needs you.

Sign up for a shift.

e-mail electionschair@tillcodems.org

